Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We had so much fun today!   We learned about butterflies and how they change from a caterpillar to a butterfly.  
 Silly girl!

Let's see what our caterpillars turned in to.....


Snack time!

Ritz crackers
Spread a little PB and Jelly on one cracker add some Chinese noodles for legs and add another cracker on top.  Use raisin for the eyes.   Yum!  Yum!

I think their favorite was the yummy dessert we made.  

Mud Pie
Chocolate pudding topped with crushed Oreo's and worms for added grossness.  
I almost had them believing that it was real mud.  =)  

We also went on a bug hunt by following spider webs (yarn).  This was a pretty funny to watch 6 kids going in all different directions while holding on to their individual strings.  Wish I got that on video for you.  Haha.

I had a fun time and I hope your kiddos did too.  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring has Sprung

Another fun day at art class.  
The kiddos loved playing in the dirt and trying out their "green" thumbs.  We learned all about seeds, how they grow and all the different parts of a flower.  Here are a few pictures from our day.

They're all super excited to see their seeds grow.  I showed them some that Reese had planted just last week that have already grown quite a bit!  

Here are some pictures of my favorite little flowers!

For snack we had a tasty treat of bananas, apples, peanut butter, pretzels and cheese.  I gave them all the food and told them to make flowers out of them.  Here are a few of their creations.

Next week: CrEePy CrAwlErS

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Let the fun begin

Finally!  Got the blog up and running.  I just want to let you know that I had loads of fun on Tuesday and I hope your kiddos did too.  We bounced eggs on parachutes, uncovered your secret message on their giant eggs, had an egg hunt, played Easter charades, made an Easter egg sack and egg silhouettes to hang in your windows.   Here are a few pictures.  To see more go to the "say cheese" tab.


We had deviled eggs for part of our snack.  The kids were a little unsure about this new food.  A few of them tried a a little nibble but decided it wasn't for them.  Good thing I love deviled eggs!  haha
Here is the recipe in case you would some for Easter.

Deviled Eggs

  • 6 hard-cooked eggs
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon prepared mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Paprika

Cut the eggs in half lengthwise and scoop out egg yolk place in a medium bowl and save the egg whites for later.  Combine all ingredients except paprika with the egg yolks and mash.  Fill each egg white with egg yolk mixture and sprinkle with paprika.  Yum!  Yum!!