Farmer McPeeper's and His Missing Milk Cows
We read this funny story about farmer and his mischievous milk cows who steal his glasses and go about the town going to baseball games, fishing, swimming and lots of other silly things.
Calling all Framers!
Well, lookie here! There is Farmer McPepper's and his milk cows!
Jack was so proud of himself being able to use scissors! Way to go, Jack!
Some of you may be wondering, why I have a picture of a walrus??? Well, let me just tell you why, during snack someone had a great idea of being a walrus, so of course once one kid decided to be a walrus everyone else did too, except some kids didn't know what a walrus was so I looked up a picture really quick for them. Silly kids!
We had lots of fun today reading about Framer McPeepers milk cows and making all of our fun crafts. Can't wait for next week. =)
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