Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Monsters!  Monsters!  Monsters!

We had a lot of fun today creating monster eyes, hats and grass monsters.

Grass head monsters
To take care of your grass head monster fill plastic cup with water and keep filled, grass should grow in a few weeks.  Get your scissors ready, they may need a haircut.
Have fun with them.

Snack time

In case you can't tell, they're monster eyes.  haha

Sorry, I don't have a lot of pictures this time.  Some of these crafts took a little more one on one time.  

Just a quick note.
I would love to say thank you to all of you.  I had so much fun with all of your adorable kiddos. I hope they had as much fun as I did.  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Let's talk about FOSSILS!!

We started out the day with learning about fossils and then making our own fossils out of salt dough and then used toy dinosaurs to imprint their bodies on the dough.  We also made a "fossil" imprint of our hands.

Then we headed outside for a little outdoor excitement and had a dinosaur egg relay race.

 On your marks, get set, GO!

What did dinosaur eggs look like?  We used our imagination and painted our very own dinosaur eggs.

We took a short break to come check out all the caterpillars on some vines in my backyard.  We will have butterflies soon!

Snack Time

We ate dinosaur sandwiches, dinosaur bones and dino eggs.  

I hope your kids had as much fun as I did.  Remember we will be having art class on Thursday @ 10.  
See you then!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

MUSIC can make you feel all sorts of different things.  It can make you want to WIGGLE and GROOVE, it can make you want to leap and twirl or just kick back and relax.  We experimented with music and dancing to different songs.  We  also played "name that tune" which the kids really loved!

We had fun making our very own instruments, a rain stick, tambourine and a guitar.  I should have sent home some asprin with this art class.  Heehee.

 Silly faces!

Raise your hand if you're having fun!

We read the book "The Little Band" one of my favorites.  They loved to read about the little band of children who brought joy to a small town through their music.

My Little Band

We even made music during our snack time

Banana slices and pretzels shaped like music notes.

I truly enjoy having your kids in my art class, they are a lot of fun!  Thank you for the opportunity!