We had so much fun today! We learned about butterflies and how they change from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
Silly girl!
Let's see what our caterpillars turned in to.....
Snack time!
Ritz crackers
Spread a little PB and Jelly on one cracker add some Chinese noodles for legs and add another cracker on top. Use raisin for the eyes. Yum! Yum!
I think their favorite was the yummy dessert we made.
Mud Pie
Chocolate pudding topped with crushed Oreo's and worms for added grossness.
I almost had them believing that it was real mud. =)
We also went on a bug hunt by following spider webs (yarn). This was a pretty funny to watch 6 kids going in all different directions while holding on to their individual strings. Wish I got that on video for you. Haha.
I had a fun time and I hope your kiddos did too.